Overall, choosing the right size and style of accordion isn't hard if you know what criteria to look for! Make sure it fits comfortably in terms of weight and size, pick a design that appeals to you aesthetically speaking, and finally ensure its sound quality meets your expectations prior committing - then there's nothing stopping from enjoying some beautiful tunes with your new instrument!How to Select the Right Type of Accordion for Your Music GenreChoosing the right accordion for your music genre can be a challenge! There's no one-size-fits-all solution, as each style of playing requires a slightly different setup. Check for any worn reeds or cracked bellows. And with practice comes confidence; mastering even complex pieces brings a sense of accomplishment that will boost your self-esteem!Furthermore, becoming proficient on the accordion can open up many opportunities for you! Playing this instrument is something special that not everyone can do - so use it to show off your skills at social events or when auditioning for a musical group or band. Jazz musicians use extended chords and improvisation when playing their accordions. Plus with enough patience and dedication anyone can become proficient at playing this beloved instrument!Overall, there are numerous reasons why so many people love playing the accordion - from its portability and versatility to its unique sound capabilities - it really does have something special about it! Moreover, with proper instruction and dedication one will quickly realize why this instrument stands out amongst others; plus mastering it can be incredibly fulfilling too! Therefore if you're looking for a new way to express yourself musically then consider picking up an Accordion today - you won't regret it!What is Special About Playing an Accordion?Playing an accordion is something special! The instrument has a unique sound that can be used to create all kinds of music. Nonetheless, after 1945 accordionists started to gain recognition again through new musical styles such as jazz, rock 'n' roll and ska music.